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09 January 2012

~Bila RINDU sangat kat KampOng~

uhuk uhuk uhuk!!!

Assalamualaikum !!

Home sweet hOme !!
i really really miss my home now. I know this is not a perfect time to think about it.
Tapi..ape kan daya, nak study pown tak jalan daaa~
Aku asyik teringat kat my grandMa, grandPa and my lOvely coUsin.

i just want to show u these pic from my collection

Lets begin ....

I miss my hOme!
Langit yang menemani my home...
pabila aku di sini~
Aku memang suke dongak ke langit 
and sometimes snap some PIC.

My grandMa kebUn
well, memang banyak gak tanaman yang terhasil.
dan aku rasa kat kebun ni lah dia(my grandMa) menghabiskan masa seharian nye.
Ye lah...anak cucu sumer takde kat umah. 
grandMa & grandPa jew kat umah~
I really2 want to be with u grandMa...berkebon tOgether-gether! 

I LOVE cooking and trying a new resipi..
and aku memang gembira tahap gaban
 tatkala my grandParent makan
dengan tersenyum and ciap mintak lagi.
aku puas hati..
Sekurang-kurang nyer aku dapat balas jasa mereka
walaupown aper yang aku wat tak seberapa
dengan aper yang aku dapat dari mereka..

And this is hasil dari my grandPa punyer kebun...
I like eating this timun susu tau.
my grandPa tanam coz he want anak cucu nya merasa
kenikmatan buah ni.
well, thanks grandPa !!
N i will always berkeliaran kat kawasan kebon semata-mata
nak carik buah ni, for dessert lah kata kan..
teeeheeee ^-^

That is my granMa kesayangan
with her cangkul...ngah busy sampai tak ter perasan aku snap pic ni
All my life aku tak pernah jumpe someone macam my
grandMa ni yang tak pernah say NO !
Kalo dia cakap nak tanam nenas, nak buat pagar, nak potong buluh...
She did it !!! without regretly
She is so OHSEMM ~
I LOVE HER so much.........

And this 2 picture were taken during ramadhan...
Masa bukak puasa.
We just have a simple dinner
sit together beramai-ramai with sedara sepapat....
sometimes talk talk and talk tak habis-habis.
really miss that moment !!
hopefully bila balik ni, i still can have this
as my breakfast ! lunch! N dinner!

N..stiap kali balik kampong,
my sweet cousin aka my friend will ajak aku pi 
rantau panjang larr...
kota bharu larr...pantai larrr....
tak sabar nak balik bOrak sampai muntah hijau ngan dia.

Upacara BBQ turut diadakan menampilkan aku sebagai
pembakar semangat ayam !

N tak luper to my lovely n sweet little cousin, adik yan...aka syida
U're the third person that i miss after grandMa n grandPa...
i want to tell u my stories !
i want to chat with u till late night!
N i want u to try all my dishes that i cooked!
I want u know that i really miss u litte sister.....<3

Okeh..times UP !!
still need to make some revision
 coz tomorrow i will have the exam......
I keep looking at my pic coz
 i miss my hometown n my family nOw!
esok luse dah nak balik. ^-^ 



  1. sabar la cik fella xlame pon lagi...nnti dh sampai kampung rndu kat miss fura lak kan hahahahak tui hehehe =]

  2. hahahaaa....iyo lah tu~ fella nak blik kmpong bercucuk tanam ni. ampa kalO free, jom arr ikut eden balik nogori kelantan. hahahaaa

  3. insyaAllah nk ikut tp xtau bile...hehehe ape2 pon mari kite settlekan exam kite habis2 an dl erk....sabaq na....
